
Managing for AI Change


We recently had the privilege of hosting a thought-provoking panel discussion at Bevington Group, focusing on the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence on work and society. The event brought together some of the brightest minds in AI to discuss how this technology is reshaping industries, both locally and globally.

Our distinguished panel included insightful contributions from Barrett Hasseldine, Charles Weiser, and Blake Lawrence, alongside a compelling presentation by Roger Perry. Roger emphasised the dual challenge posed by AI: the revolutionary potential of the technology itself and the rapid pace of change it brings, challenging our capacity to adapt both individually and collectively.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our incredible panellists for sharing their invaluable insights and experiences. For those who missed the event, you can explore Roger’s opening presentation here.

Our Change Network Events provide the opportunity for our vast network of industry leaders to connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas, with peers across industries. We look forward to continuing this important dialogue on how businesses can harness the full potential of AI.

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