
Risk, Response and Adaptation: A conversation with 3 leading CEOs


The global COVID-19 pandemic has been a test of our society’s collective resilience.


For organisations of all sizes, leaders are facing challenges in sustaining business health, adapting to new ways of working and nurturing staff morale.


Following on from our November panel discussion, we will hear from a group of highly respected leaders about their own experiences and learnings in developing organisational resilience and adaptability in the face of a crisis.


Bevington Group’s Managing Director, Roger Perry, will be facilitating discussion.


Guest speakers:
Greg Ridder (Chairman, Kogan.com)
Judith Swales (CEO Asia Pacific, Fonterra)
Andrew Hunter (CEO, CPA Australia)


Webinar date: 4th December 2020

For materials used in the webinar, please click here

Please send your questions, comments and feedback to: webinar@bevingtongroup.com

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